safety in the dark

Safety in the Dark – Kirk S. McWhorter 8-30-2010

The obvious

        We’ve all had the occasion when we are hopelessly lost and feeling very vulnerable because of our fear of the unknown…in other words – we can’t

         see what the hell is in front of us. As paranormal investigators, this is a part of the equation and something we must all learn to deal with.

         The way to put our fears to rest is to overcome our fears or simply put, stop being afraid of the dark.

        First, realize that not all investigations need to be done in the wee hours. S.P.I.R.I.T. has had a great deal of success in obtaining evidence in

         the light of day, as have countless other groups and investigators. Some of the best photographic proof and audio recordings have been

         acquired in full light. Obviously some of the equipment that we use would be rendered helpless during these types of investigations (ie.

         infrared cameras etc.), but many tools of the trade work equally well in light or dark.

        Second, when investigating in the dark, if possible do a “run through” of the area when light is available or at the very least use

         your flashlights to walk through the building before starting your investigation. This way you will be safer “in the dark”.

The not so obvious

          Safety in your investigations can run the gamut from psychic protection to getting permission to be where you are. As stated earlier

 S.P.I.R.I.T. has conducted many investigations during the day, usually at cemeteries. We do however perform these same “hunts” in the wee hours of the night. We have always obtained permission from the societies or church organizations to be there after hours and we suggest you do the same. If not you could be running away from the local authorities or at the very least have some explaining to do. The outcome could be fines or possible jail time for trespassing or worse, being blamed for vandalism that you had nothing to do with. If you cannot obtain permission – go somewhere else. The fallout from your rule breaking will look bad for the entire paranormal community at the very least, or could result in criminal charges which are extremely serious.






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