Ghost hunting vs. paranormal investigation

(or: how to have this conversation without resorting to leg wrestling in the parking lot)



There's a difference.

Many people just love to 'ghost hunt'.  We do too!   Good evidence can be caught in a ghost hunt.  If you want to go out and see what you can find, or just have a good time doing it, that's great!!   But...what if you get something? Can you prove it? Are you credible?


Paranormal investigating is a ghost hunt on steroids.

It is the serious collection of evidence, from historical research, to protocol during the investigation, to showing truth and integrity during the review and reveal of the investigation. It is the willingness to critically accept or reject your own findings, for the sake of integrity and truth.


Both can be fun. Both can collect evidence. But the serious investigator is safe, follows the law, follows protocol, carefully collects evidence, and also debunks what is NOT evidence.  The serious investigator has credibility based on using a scientific approach.


We are also conscious of the entities we are investigating. They were people. They deserve respect, honesty and they also deserve not to be exploited. 


We always say: "First: debunk. What you can't debunk is 'unexplained'.  Is it paranormal? You decide.

Then again, if you want to just go out and see what you can find for your own information and don't give a fig if anyone believes you, have fun ghost hunting!










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