Historical research

Historical Research - by Beth Trimble


An investigation is more than that actual 'hunt' itself.  Many times someone will ask for help, and you want to rush right in and superman your way through.  However, preparation is extremely important.  First, have a set list of questions to ask before you do an investigation. Document any information available as to what has been occurring or felt, or - if investigating a historical or known site - get as much information beforehand as possible. 


We have a historical researcher who gathers as much information (if any) as possible through newspaper archives, library records, public deeds and even genealogical information beforehand - and does not divulge that information to the others. This helps validate any information received during the review afterwards.


It's also quite gratifying during the review of evidence to find something that corresponds with anything that is collected, and the home or building or site owner is often quite surprised and pleased to get this information as well. 


Paranormal research is all about finding out what is out there, and it all ties in with history after all.








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